Our goal

Support people and organizations building living conditions to overcome poverty in a sustainable manner, help communities to become resilient to meet their vital needs and raise awareness of sustainable development and the right to access to healthcare and education in France and around the world.


Create a sustainabke resilience of the communities who are facing difficult living conditions is one of our goal. It could be the access to healthcare, the education, or bring solutions to overcome agricultural work on poor soils. Sustainable practices support ecological, social, and economic developments. Respect of Human rights and Natural resources guide each of our missions.


Knowledge is essential to be fully aware of your choices and actions. Our goal is to give access to education to often forgotten communities. This may be essential health information or access to school for children. We consider that the fulfillment of the Human can not be reach without a freedom of choice, which can not be acquired without instruction.


We consider we learn from others. We listen with humility and try to provide the best answer to the requests made by the local communities. Local actors are fully engaged and involved in our projects. Nothing is decided without their cooperation, they are often the initiators of the actions leaded.


Our story

Share’n’Give is a French non-profit organisation regulated by the law of 1901 created by Juliette and Marie in 2014. Its name was ben originally ‘Drive to Give’ because of their participation at the 2015 Trophy Roses des Sables, a humanitarian 4×4 rally exclusively for women (learn more).

In 2018, considering expanding their actions, Drive to Give became Share’n’Give.

Our team

Co-founder & President


“It’s only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potential.” – Barack Obama

Fulfillment can not happen without serve to others. The richness of the exchange with each other and sharing is immense. Thanks to this association, I wish to “serve” as best as I could crossing my knowledge to those of people from other backgrounds and involve as many people as possible in our actions. A harmonious living-together respectful of our planet is not an utopia but a goal to which everyone can contribute.

Co-founder & Treasurer


“Nothing is more dangerous in the world than true ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King

Open our mind, to share our cultural wealth, give, help each others, do not to close our eyes on what happens around us, appreciate gifts from nature, take care of each others and our planet … are essential things that all of us should do throughout our lives.